Deposit Operations
Simplify work processes with an integrated document management,
tracking, communication, and workflow system.

Key Benefits for Deposit Operations Personnel
User Uploaded Documents
Allow end users - account officers - to upload their own documents with operational confidence using our review queue that routes documents to a person or workgroup for final approval.
Exception Tracking Integration
Integrated document imaging and exception management means that when a document is uploaded to the file it is archived to the DMS, clears exceptions, and updates reports all at the same time.
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Request a demo so we can show you how these features and many more will simplify the way you manage your portfolio.
Host App Integration
Streamline document retrieval and improve organization with a customer and account centric document view window that features the same capabilities and custom folder systems available right from the host application.
Powerful Reporting
Powerful and user-friendly. Our reporting tool gives all users, even front-line users, the ability to create, save, pull on-demand, or schedule reports with simple point-and-click field selection functionality.
Bulk Notice Generator
A bulk notice generator capable of sending notices based on dates or document status enables automatic production of request letters for updated documents or new account welcome packets.
Signature Verification for Tellers
Let the system automatically capture signature snippets from the signature card and present those seamlessly within the teller application.
Fits Your Institution
End-to-end solutions that mold to your processes to simplify and streamline the day.
Digital Signature Integration
Capture account opening signatures electronically that are automatically merged onto account opening documents and archived to the DMS to streamline branch work. Allows signatures to be collected at various branches.
Schedule or Request Work
Schedule tasks or events and make work requests from co-workers using our events workflow module. It’s a powerful, shared to-do list to keep everyone organized and on-task.