PF Integration for Jack Henry jXchange

Jack Henry Banking Vendor Integration Program Member

Embed Critical Documents to your JHA Core Application
Display INFO-ACCESS Documents in Quick View Areas
Embed INFO-ACCESS documents within Xperience with PF Integration for jXchange. Now, your institution can present customer driver’s licenses, and similar documents, automatically in your JHA core application — improving efficiency, reducing risk, and improving user experience.
PF Integration for jXchange for Jack Henry Users
Embed Critical Documents from INFO-ACCESS
in Xperience Quick View Areas
with our jXchange Integration.

Automatically present documents from INFO-ACCESS for eighteen integrations
powered through Jack Henry Banking’s jXchange Vendor Integration Program.
- Driver’s Licenses
- Signature IDs
- Overdrafts
- Safe Deposits
- Savings & Loans
Contact us today to learn more about this solution.